NASA Langley Research Center Visitor Count

The count is generated as the number of times that people reference the Langley home page. The count began 8/27/93, although the LaRC home page has been in operation since 7/93. Since most WWW browsers will cache the image of the count, it will not increment as you revisit the home page within a single WWW session. This way it represents a more accurate count of the visitors although it is very easy to fool the counter (don't try it please, let's keep this working as advertised). You can also get your own copy of the script.

We thank frans van hoesel ( for the original counter program that generates the bitmap showing the number, and Dan Rich ( for his excellent port of the code to PERL plus this documentation page and Michael Nelson ( for inetd -> cgi-bin updates.

Last Updated Wed May 11 15:09:13 EDT 1994

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