Santa Cruz Alternative Music

Comprehensive information and resources
on the Santa Cruz Alternative Music scene.

For updates and errata mail scam@iuma.com
Last updated: March 11, 1995

Click on [<-SCAM--] whenever you see it to return to this page.

* What's New at the Santa Cruz Alternative Music World Wide Web site.
* WhoWhatWhenWhereWhyHow (everything i want you to know about the SCAM)
* News and updates about SCAM and Santa Cruz in general. (last updated March 11)
* Bands (pictures, bios, contact info, sound files, the works!)
* Shows (shows at local venues)
* Clubs and Venues (decriptions, addresses, booking info, calendars...)
* Reviews (live show reviews, pictures, recordings...)
* Resources (music stores, studios, duplication, printers...)
* Media (music-related newspapers, 'zines, radio shows...)
* Organizations (Booking, management, record labels...)
* Misc (miscellaneous music-related stuff...)
* Links (alternative/underground music-related web sites)
* Feedback is encouraged! Write back to us using our simple comment form.
* Contact (info about contacting SCAM for anything)

SCAM - title page / Russ Granger / parade@circus.com