Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology

IRIS is a consortium of eighty universities in the United States. We also have approximately twelve foreign affiliates. Membership in IRIS is open to any institution that has a research program in seismology. We are funded by the National Science Foundation and by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research.

IRIS consists of of three core programs within its administrative structure:

Additionally the Joint Seismic Program (JSP) operates several facilities within the IRIS structure.

The IRIS DMC is also the archive for continuous data recorded by the Federation of Digital Seismographic Networks. More information about the FDSN is available.

You can click on an item below to quickly get to an area of interest

If you recently made a request for data you can see where it currently sits in the DMC processing queue or see if it was recently shipped by clicking on the appropriate item below.

You can also click here to connect to the IRIS Electronic Bulletin Board. If you do not know the password for this account you can send email to and request the userid and password for this account. Please give the reason you need to access the Electronic Bulletin Board in your email.

There are a variety of other WWW servers related to seismology. The following provide some convenient methods of accessing some of them.

We are just in the process of adding features to this MOSAIC interface to the IRIS DMC, so please be patient.


1408 NE 45th St. Seattle, Wa. 98105 Phone: (206)547-0393 FAX: (206)547-1093 EMAIL: or