WWW Server at the School of Engineering,
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile



This is the english version. This version may lag behind the changes done on the original spanish documents, and some parts may not be fully translated yet. Please have this in mind if you find whole sections still in spanish, or if you notice that both versions do not quite look the same.

o Any page or link that is currently being designed or constructed will contain the [CONSTRUCTION] symbol. Therefore, they may contain incomplete information, or no information at all.

o Practice your spanish: "La versión en castellano está aquí."
o Usage statistics for this server.
o 1994 soccer World Cup is on the net!

School of Engineering

Official information on the School of Engineering, available also as printed material and University's publications.

o Introduction
o Curriculum
o General map
o Activities


o National Services provided by local computers at the School, by other on-campus facilities, or by servers elsewhere in the country.

o International Services

o Recommendé par le CHEF: a small collection of the known Universe's best services. In the Chef's humble opinion, of course.

What else to do?

o UC Internet Underground.
o Engineering people's pages.

Last modified: Monday, 27-Jun-94 17:20:42 -0400
Suggestions, slaps on the back or complaints go here