The INFNet World Wide Web
Welcome to the
World Wide Web Server
This WWW Server is
the top-level INFN server.
This page lets you look at some information points:
INFN and its network
- News and info about INFNet, the INFN network, and some interesting
documents. INFN is the Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (Italian National
Institute for Nuclear Physics).
See networking events for some
interesting meetings.
Traffic statistics
are also available.
INFN Sites and Laboratories.
- Pointers to information about INFN sites and WWW servers.
- Sensitive Map
- Pointers to information about INFN Experiments and Working
Anonymous FTP Service at
- Access to the Anonymous FTP structure.
- Various docs: Request for Comments (RFC), FAQ, FYI, etc.
- References for phones, e-mail, etc. and a worldwide X.500 browser.
HEP Sites
- Other High-Energy Physics sites around the world. Link to HEPIC, the HEP information center and to the HEP Virtual
Documentazione INFN
- Accesso a documentazione INFN (UU.OO., Commissioni, Hardware, etc.)
and GARR
- Link to the MURST (Ministero dell'Universita' e della Ricerca Scientifica e Tecnologica) and GARR (Gruppo Armonizzazione reti della Ricerca) WWW servers
Other servers and services
- Pointers to other relevant servers and services. See also: The Virtual Tourist World
INFN-CNAF, the INFN National
Center for Networking /