PeaceNet helps the peace, social justice, and human rights communities
throughout the world communicate and cooperate more effectively. PeaceNet is
also a repository for current information ranging from
disarmament, economic justice and human rights issues, to news, actions and events throughout the world, including the Middle East, the Baltics, the former Soviet Union, and Central America. For a sample of issues covered, please see PeaceNet's Gopher.
PeaceNet also maintains a clearinghouse of progressive, social issues as part of The Progressive Directory @igc.
- Action Alerts
- Distribute and respond to action alerts from such
organizations as Amnesty International, the Friends Committee on National
Legislation, and Women's International League for Peace and Freedom. Write or
fax (using PeaceNet's inexpensive fax service) to government officials, world
leaders, or the media.
- News
- Read news from alternative sources not found in the mainstream media,
including Inter-Press Service, OPEC News Agency, United Nations Information
Center, and digests from a range of international sources. In addition,
organizations and academic institutions post press releases, newsletters, and
reports on issues important to you.
- Organize, Coordinate & Receive International Exposure
- Communicate with your membership, subscribers, constituency, and
community. Make an impact on debates and policy concerning the important social
and political issues facing us today. Increase your organization's exposure
ten-fold with a worldwide community of activists.
Who's on PeaceNet?