Welcome to UBU - a MacHTTP server in the Learning Resource Center of Hahnemann University's Library ...
Presently the pickings here are rather slim - we expect to add more items as the number of LAN users increases and people discover what is possible. There is currently no anonymous FTP access to this machine.
- NEW!!! (and unfinished) HTML SimTel
- a HyperIndex to the SimTel (MSDOS) archives - under construction, but it works!
- NetBiochem
- IBLS (Integrated Biochemistry Learning Series) is moving away from HyperCard. No longer will Microsoft Windows users be forced to look over their friends' shoulders with envy!!
- Stretching and Flexibility
- Stretching and Flexibility is a document that is periodically posted the the newsgroups rec.martial-arts and rec.arts.dance. It deals with stretching and includes references, range of joint motion listings, physiological information as well as discussion of proper technique. A substantial index is included.
- UBUdex
- a HyperIndex to the Macintosh archive at the University of Michigan. (access has been improved - you should never get a refused connection now!!)
UBU - a work in progress / andrew. brennan@hal.hahnemann.edu