Geological Survey of Finland
Geologian tutkimuskeskus

The Geological Survey of Finland (GSF) acquires, assesses and makes available geological information in promoting the balanced, long-term use of natural resources, particularly for the mining and construction industries, as well as for land use, environmental protection and public health authorities.

The GSF, which was established in 1885, is a government funded agency responsible to the Ministry of Trade and Industry. It has a central administration based in Espoo and regional offices in Espoo, Kuopio and Rovaniemi.

The GSF offers its expertise to customers both in Finland and world wide. International services are briefly described, as well as information services.

Links to many Finnish and foreign services are provided. Following links to Finnish sites may ultimately lead you to documents, that are in Finnish.

Our WWW-server (NCSA httpd-1.3) is still under construction and runs on a small DECstation 5000-25, which may be occasionally overloaded.
Documents in Finnish can be accessed from Finnish sites only.

Comments to webmaster - Kommentteja ylläpitäjälle

Comments and suggestions concerning our WWW-server are most welcome either by your favourite email or using our server's reply form:

Tähän palvelimeen liityvät kommentit ja ehdotukset ovat tervetulleita sähköpostilla alla oleviin osoitteisiin tai välittömästi WWW-palvelimen vastauslomaketta käyttämällä: