Frequently Asked Questions at E-SPAN

Below are the answers to the questions we are confronted with most often. If you need additional information or need personal assistance please feel free to call us at 800.682.2901 or email at
  1. How do I place my ads online?

    The process is very simple. Most people simply fax us their ads and we do all the work from there. We do have the capability of receiving the ads through email. Your ads will be online within one to three days from the time we receive them.

  2. How do I send you something through email?

    Which online service are you using?

          CompuServe         76702,1771
          America Online     E-SPAN

  3. How much does this cost?

    Cost is dependent on your needs. We have a variety of ad packages that were designed to appeal to every size organization. To get the most cost effective price you would need to speak to one of our account executives.

  4. Who sees these ads?

    E-SPAN has the largest distribution of online jobs database. Our audience includes members of all the major online services including Internet, CompuServe, America Online, and a host of others. A combined audience of 20 million highly educated subscribers of these services look to E-Span as the source of online job opportunities.

  5. Why should I post on E-SPAN?

    We are the recognized provider of online job ads for these networks. Just as you look in the classified section of the Sunday paper for job opportunities, network subscribers look online to E-SPAN. Online Access magazine recently touted E-SPAN as the nation's largest jobs database and CompuServe themselves use E-SPAN to fill open positions. All of things add up to one thing; the best pool of candidates and the most qualified people are watching E-SPAN. This fact means you are more likely to get the results you need.

  6. What is the cost for one ad?

    We have an introductory offer that allows you to run not only one ad, but several, for one low price. The details can be filled in by one of our account executives.

  7. How many resumes can I expect?

    Much like other recruitment media response is very difficult. The things we hear consistently from our customers is that get substantial response. While sometimes the volume of resumes is not quite as high, our customers consistently tell us the quality of applicants is excellent. Your account executive will give you the benefit of E-SPAN experience to make sure your ad reaches maximum potential.

  8. Why shouldn't I advertise with OCC, Help Wanted USA, etc.?

    This is a question you really have to answer for yourself. While these two organizations offer good services, we believe, based upon online expert opinion, that E-SPAN offers the best value. We have the largest distribution, the largest, most recent database and the highest level of personal service of not only these two but any online service. You may be able to get what you are looking for but most people come back to us. We offer service and results at a fair price and we feel this is what most people want.

  9. Why should I use E-SPAN if my company is already successful with the Internet?

    The Internet is certainly a very good place to begin your online recruiting. Most experts agree that a recruiting campaign that covers only one avenue is not reaching full potential. Also most things you read about online services say each one has a distinct audience and personality. With the reasonable cost of E-SPAN, most people agree that the extra coverage compounds an already successful Internet campaign. E-SPAN also sponsors a web site on the Internet with significant viewer ship and the only way to be a part of this is to go through E-SPAN. Given all of this you can see why E-SPAN is a remarkable value regardless of current recruiting activity.

  10. How do I access E-SPAN?

    With a computer and a modem, anyone can see the E-SPAN database.

    Internet                go to the Usenet newsgroup
    World Wide Web          with a web browser use
    CompuServe              go espan
    Genie                   go jobs
    AOL                     In the learning center under the jobs database

    The data also goes to a number of BBS's. If you need specific instructions or would like to see E-SPAN on your BBS, have the sysop give us a call.

    It is important to note that members of these networks know how to find us.

  11. How do I receive responses?

    This is completely up to you. Most people ask for response by fax because it is quicker and easier for candidates to respond. We recommend multiple response mechanisms including mail and email to increase your results.

  12. Can I run a blind ad?

    Yes, a number of clients use confidential ads and we collect the resumes and send them along.

  13. What is the purpose of E-SPAN?

    To match qualified candidates with your open positions. E-SPAN uses a number of electronic databases and really reaches a uniquely qualified audience to find the best candidates for your jobs. While doing this E-SPAN is committed to personal service and making this technology friendly and available to everyone who is looking to make the most of their recruiting dollar. E-SPAN is recognized as the leader in online employment information and we want to use this position to bring the efficiencies of online recruiting to everyone.

  14. How do I get started?

    The process is really simple. To make sure everything is covered properly, let me put you in touch with and account executive.

  15. How many clients do you have?

    We have clients ranging from smaller local organizations to larger national and international organizations. Our 3,000+ client list includes IBM, ABC, Digital, Lotus, and a host of others across virtually all industries.

  16. Do you have references?

    Yes, we have a list of quotes from several satisfied customers that have agreed to speak with anyone with questions.

  17. Where do the majority of responses come from?

    It really fluctuates. Our three biggest sources are CompuServe, Internet and America Online. The diversity in response is one reason we insist on making the jobs database available to a wide variety of online services.

  18. Who are the competitors?

    Like most growing industries, ours has a number of smaller upstart companies that are building organizations with similar objectives. Aside from these there are really two groups with similar missions: Online Career Center and America Online's Help Wanted USA. We believe, and our customers tell us, the E-SPAN audience and distribution yields much better results. Also with E-SPAN you get personal service and assistance whenever you need it. While these other groups offer similar services on the surface, a look beneath the surface really puts E-SPAN in a class by itself.

  19. Do I have to run an ad for four weeks?

    Ads do not have to stay on for four weeks. If you fill the position or wish to change the ad you can do so at any time and if you want to take it off, you're the boss and we will do it. This is designed for maximum flexibility and exposure for you and your open positions.

  20. What kinds of companies have access to your resume database?

    Companies who purchase and ad package get access to the resume database. This includes mostly larger firms with a number of positions to fill.

  21. If I don't have a network, how can I view the jobs?

    Part of E-SPAN's mission is make this technology available to as many people as possible. To accommodate people without network access, E-SPAN publishes the jobs database on diskette at a cost of $14.95.

  22. How many networks or BBS's does E-SPAN go to?

    Good question. E-SPAN sends the data to 12 carriers. Since the information is in the public domain it is then transmitted to an unknown number of locations. We do know that E-SPAN has the largest distribution of any online database.

  23. Are E-SPAN ads agency commissionable?

    Yes, we have a number of ad agencies that buy ads for their clients with a 15% commission. The agencies have found online recruiting to be an excellent supplement to traditional recruitment advertising and a great way to increase results for their clients.

  24. How long has E-SPAN been around?

    E-SPAN has been providing the employment section for the major pc networks for over four years, making us a pioneer in the online employment advertising industry. All four years have shown major growth with last year being our biggest with a 289% increase in paid ads.

  25. Why should I use E-SPAN instead of traditional forms of advertising?

    We highly recommend tapping into all recruiting and employment avenues. Our clients tell us that E-SPAN reaches a different audience. While some of our clients use us exclusively and get terrific results, many of them use as a part of a recruiting campaign and find tremendous success. If you only have the budget for one or the other, review your options and discuss them with your accountant or CPA in terms of long term investment.