Welcome to Des Moines Internet!

Click on the Des Moines flag and see detailed maps of the city!
We are a server dedicated to serving the city of Des Moines. We will have information for the people who live here in Des Moines, as well as for those who wish to visit. This server is experimental and subject to change at any time. In the future, we look to have more information on Des Moines businesses, newspapers and other areas of interest. Enjoy!

City of Des Moines Information:

Des Moines Internet (DSMnet)

City of Des Moines Information:

Des Moines Internet

Des Moines Internet is the company bringing you this information. Find out more about our company through Des Moines Internet Subscription Information. We also have a Gopher available with user's manuals on the different aspects of our service. Also available are gopher links to Iowa State and the University of Iowa.

Information about Iowa

The State of Iowa WWW Servers is a nice collection of links to colleges & businesses around the state. We also have a link to The Iowa Legislature which has answers to many legislative questions such as "How does a bill become a law?" The University of Iowa College of Business Administration has an extensive list of business links on the WWW, with emphasis on business here in Iowa. Just to be fair, we have links to ISU's WWW Server also. It links to the Computation Center and has information about Iowa State University. The Ames Area Amateur Astronomers will WOW you with their plethora of information on the solar system and how we view it from Central Iowa.

Des Moines Businesses on the WWW:

So, what do you think of our pages? Access our form and tell us all about it. Please remember, if you would like me to respond, leave your e-mail address and I will get back to you as soon as possible. Thanks for all of the responses so far from transplanted Iowans and others.

USA CityLink
