Welcome to The Other Change of Hobbit's Home Page, a place where you can browse, ask questions, get recommendations, harass our friendly staff or just hang out -- almost like visiting the store in Berkeley. We're still painting some of the rooms here, so watch your step: it's a little bit of chaos in motion!
Look in our front windows to see the latest releases to June 30th (updated every Friday).
The staff's favorites.
"I can't go! I don't have anything to read!"
The Collectors Corner.
"Dave's not here, man!"
Meow! Feed me! Pet me! Feed me!
email to: ochobbit@dnai.com
SnailMail: 2020 Shattuck Ave, Berkeley, CA 94704-1117 USA Voice: 1-510-848-0413 Fax: 1-510-601-9635