Welcome to Netropolis, the entertainment and shopping metaphor of the future. Like cities of the present, Netropolis has a variety of districts and can lead you to many others. From the downtown BUSINESS and GOVERNMENT sections to the avant garde ART galleries and Netro mall, Netropolis provides many of the same services as a major city. And, just like a city, things are constantly growing and changing, so keep checking for new additions in places like the Indian Nations!

Surfing the net is easy using WWW at University of Kansas, not to mention the NCSA Mosaic Home Page or the CERN Overview and the other RESEARCH TOOLS available. If you already know where you're going, CONNECTING is simple.

Whether you're interested in News and Weather or an EDUCATION, or simply want to relax with some FUN and GAMES, Netropolis has what your looking for, from the best LOCAL, INTERNATIONAL and OTHER sources.

Coming Soon!

The Great Scavenger Hunt, Internet Chamber of Commerce, Vangard, XXL, Zierk Graphix, Sun Set and IMP!

Netropolis is provided by DASH, the Denver Area Super Highway - Experimental Area Information

Mar 9, 1995 - shaman@netropolis.com