CyberCash, Inc.
The Secure Internet Payment System
CyberCash, Inc. was founded in 1994 to enable electronic
commerce by providing a safe, convenient and immediate
payment system on the Internet. The CyberCash(tm) payment
system facilitates the purchase of goods and services on the
Internet by providing a secure environment for transactions
between consumers, merchants and their banks as well as
between individuals. With CyberCash(tm) the Internet is safe
for instantaneous and spontaneous financial transactions.
CyberCash is a founding member of the W3 Consortium, the World
Wide Web organization created by the Massachusetts Insitute of
Technology (MIT) in October 1994.
Telephone: (703) 620-4200
Fax: (703) 620-4215
CyberCash is a trademark of CyberCash, Inc. and the
CyberCash logo is a registered trademark. All other
trademarks are the property of the respective companies.