List of Standard Icons/Symbols
This is a potential list of standard icons and symbols that
could be referenced with HTML+ entities. This is building
upon the message from Bert Bos
These are the preliminary icons that I have gathered and
implemented in my emacs WWW browser. They can be
obtained by anonymous ftp
- &archive; =
- &audio; =
- &binary.document; =
- &binhex.document; =
- &caution; =
- &clock; =
- &compressed.document; =
- &; =
- &diskette; =
- &display; =
- &document; =
- &fax; =
- &filing.cabinet; =
- &film; =
- &fixed.disk; =
- &folder; =
- &form; =
- &ftp; =
- &glossary; =
- &help; =
- &home; =
- ℑ =
- &info; =
- &index; =
- &keyboard; =
- &mail; =
- &; =
- &mail.out; =
- ↦ =
- &mouse; =
- &network; =
- &next; =
- ¬ebook; =
- &parent; = not drawn yet.
- &previous; = not drawn yet.
- &printer; =
- &scheduler; =
- &stop; =
- &summary; = not drawn yet.
- &symlink; =
- &telephone; =
- &telnet; =
- &text.document; =
- &tn3270; =
- &toc; = not drawn yet.
- &trash; =
- &unknown.document; =
- &uuencoded.document; =
- &workstation; =