World-Wide Web Virtual Library

Human-Computer Interaction

This is the collection of links to everything that I can find about Human-Computer Interaction on the Web. Please note that almost none of this information is maintained here, so I can make no guarantees that any of these services will be be working when you try to jump to them. I usually only point to the top-most level of a resource, to make the pointers more robust. This means you may have to browse a little bit further to find what you want.

Please send email to me at and tell me about anything else you have found. The WWW Virtual Library entry on HCI will continue to simply be a list of links, so do not send me your files on HCI--just send me a pointer to your files.

I am now tabulating crude stats of what people are accessing.

Help me design the icon for the Virtual Library area on HCI.

Formerly known as the HCI Launching Pad. The HCI VL is supported by the Bowling Green State University Department of Computer Science.

The HCI Virtual Library is going (back) under heavy construction. Things may get messy for short periods of time during the transition, while I put some tools in place to help me manage everything. Please be patient and understanding.

Electronic Publications   Laboratories    Education    FAQs
     Organizations       Bibliographies   Standards   People

      Conferences      Paper Publications  Indexes   Software

WWW VL: HCI / KEI / / 95-04-24