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[Info] Info about this Web Server

This is the WWW-Server of the Institut of Computer Science and System Analysis at Salzburg University, Austria. The Universal Resource Locator of this server is http://www.cosy.sbg.ac.at/

It is maintained by the webmasters.

Every page on this server has the name of the author at the bottom - this is also the person responsible for the content of the page. This holds especially for pages in peoples home directories (the URLs start with /~username).

The webmasters are only responsible for technical aspects of the server, not the content.

To provide information via this server, you only need an account on the workstations of the institute for computer science. There are no other restrictions. Read 'How To Set Up A Personal Page'

If you have problems with - or questions about our server, write to webmaster@cosy.sbg.ac.at. But please explain which part of the server you are taking about - e.g. by giving the URL. "Those pictures sure are cool." just isn't specific enough ;-)

the two webmasters - webmaster@cosy.sbg.ac.at
file last touched: Wednesday, 22-Mar-95 17:19:18 MET