SECF/ACS Services and Facilities
The Science and Engineering Computing Facility (SECF) and Academic
Computing Services (ACS) operate
Facilities. These include public academic computer clusters, public
Unix, VMS, and VM/CMS systems, etc. SECF also provides a
Faculty Computing Laboratory
in Duham Lab. Faculty and students in Yale College and certain graduate
schools may request
"SMART accounts" interactively.
SECF coordinates
supercomputing options
for the Yale community.
The well-known Datapro service is now on-line for Yale users. Datapro
Unix & workstation data is provided via a CD-ROM mountend on an AppleTalk
server. Any Yale person with a network-attached Macintosh can peruse the data.
Clink the link above for full information.
Scientific Software
SECF provides
Scientific and Mathematical Software
at Yale and on the network.
A vi summary describes this versatile
Unix screen editor.
The Bureaucracy
SECF has a Service Brochure.
For the those of subterranean persuasion, we also maintain a
gopher hole.
SECF is an office of Academic Computing Services, a section of Yale's
Computing & Information Systems.
A number of C&IS activities are described in the YaleInfo section on
Check out the
Yale Science Faculty.
Our shield and motto.
Maintained by The
Yale Science & Engineering Computing Facility
(Send mail.)