Caltech World Wide Web Database

This is an informal database of World Wide Web pages at Caltech. The information here has been entered by people at Caltech who want to advertise their Web pages to other users. Many of the entries in this database are people's personal pages. To use this service, enter a search string in your browser.

The search string can include any number of words, but only the entries that include all the words will be returned. The search will not be case sensitive, so Caltech and caltech are the same. If you want to search for part of a word, enter the part followed by an asterisk (*). The asterisk can substitute for zero or more characters in a word anywhere except the beginning (so "*mith" will not be accepted).

If you don't want to search the database, you might want to go back to the Caltech Welcome Page. If you have comments or questions, send them to