You are connected to the WWW (World Wide Web) server at Bogazici
( BoUn ), Istanbul, TURKIYE.
This server is operated by BoUn
Computer Center .
It is intended to provide access to various kinds of information
maintained both at BoUn and elsewhere around the world.
about Bogazici University
You can find some information about Bogazici University; '94 catalog,
academic calendar, pictures from the school, graduates etc. A search form
for e-mail addresses and phone numbers of the staff is also available.
University Internet services
All Internet services at Bogazici University; WWW servers, gopher servers,
ftp servers, dial-up services, etc.
News from Bogazici
News from Bogazici University, new services by Computer Center, future
conferences, etc. Some Bogazici University publications are also available
Information about Internet and WWW
Information about Internet and WWW. Some novice-user Internet guides,
Interenet resources lists and interesting WWW sites.
Other Internet
Services in TURKIYE
All WWW, gopher, ftp, fsp, etc. servers that are currently running in
Turkey. Pictures from Turkey, and touristic information about Turkey.