Welcome to the Institute for Molecular Virology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
What's new on our server - last updated Apr. 5, 1995
Virology-related News and Journal Articles
Computer visualizations of viruses
Topographical maps of viruses
Computing environment for visualizing viruses
Virus Sequences, Alignments, and Phylogenetic Trees
ICTV classification of viruses
Course Notes and Tutorials on selected topics in general virology
Digitized images of viruses by electron microscope
Developing a Virology Course
Hyperactive Virology Courses (Hypersyllabi)
Phone book of virologists on the Internet
Bionet.virology USENET News group
The faculty of the Institute for Molecular Virology
Virology-related Resources Elsewhere on the Net:
If you know of a virologist who might like to connect to this
server, but doesn't know how, give him or her a copy of "Mosaic - An
Instructional Aid for Teaching Virology" (available
in postscript format, compressed postscript format and in
PICT format).
A paper has been written about this Internet resource: Communicating Information about
Virus Structure and Biology Via the World Wide Web (from the Advance Proceedings of the
Second International World Wide Web Conference, 1994)
This server needs your help in order to succeed.
If you have any images, text documents, animations or computer programs to submit for
addition to this Virology WWW server, please see the Guidelines for Contributors page.
If you have any comments, please
fill in a comments form or email sspencer@rhino.bocklabs.wisc.edu
Usage of the WWW Server for Virology is kept track of through
usage statistics.
Disclaimers and copyrights
apply to this server.
© 1994 Stephan Spencer. Institute for Molecular Virology/