BOATNET was built by the professionals at Bluewater Productions bringing visual communication and digital media to everyone.

BOATNET Info has three sections

BOATNET Prices and Ordering

Comments and suggestions regarding BOATNET

Bluewater Productions and the creation of BOATNET

New Accounts

BOATNET's services are available to individuals and companies around the world. While prices vary according to volume and type of service, the following price list represents the standard rates for BOATNET's services.

*These introductory prices are only valid until June 30, 1995. Join now and lock in your rates for the lifetime of the account!*


*Brokers!* Maintain five or more boats on account and receive a personal Internet "home page" including text and logo for $58.00 (one time set-up fee.) Your boats will be listed in both the general catalog and in a regional brokerages listing. List your other boats for sale, business hours, location, employee names, other services, telephone and fax numbers, etc.
Call (360) 715-1728, fax (360) 715-0740, email email or mail photos/slides with order information to:

 Bluewater Productions
 3212 Northwest Ave. C-419
 Bellingham, WA. 98225.

Include check, money order, or Visa/MC made out to Bluewater Productions. Orders are processed and on-line and photos returned within fourteen days of reciept. (WA State residents add 7.8% tax)


Call for rates on home page construction, photos, graphics, or additional text. Special orders are welcome.
Phone (360) 715-1728, fax (360) 715-8147, email or mail photos/slides and order information to:
 Bluewater Productions
 3212 Northwest Ave. C-419
 Bellingham, WA. 98225.


Bluewater Productions also specializes in Internet Brochures, Catalogs, and Magazines

Contact Bluewater Productions by eMail or at:

Bluewater Productions
3212 Northwest Ave. C-419
Bellingham, WA. 98225.
(360)715-1728, fax (360) 715-0740


Please send us any comments or suggestions regarding BOATNET. If you would like someone from BOATNET to contact you regarding a new account or new server, just write in the details and we'll get in touch with you shortly.

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Bluewater Productions

BOATNET was the brainchild of Barney Treadway with substantial contributions from Maggie Treadway. They have lived aboard their little Catalina in the Pacific Northwest for over four years. Jim and Fae Malone assisted in laying the foundation for BOATNET with their wonderful ideas and foresight while raising their twin girls (Corey and Morgan) aboard their 38' Cabo Rico. Incredible patience and technical support was also lended by Robert Keller (fellow friend and sailor) of Starlight Multimedia Inc. Check out Robert Keller's site for futurist Frank Ogden, better known as Dr. Tomorrow. Crucial emotional and financial support was also provided by Western Washington University's Video Services Guru Bill Kirschbaum (surprise! another sailor) and Donna Treadway. Thanks also to Bob Finch of Network Access Services.

Most of the programming was done on a 8100/80AV PowerPC Mac. While some may consider PowerPC technology unproven, we enjoyed remarkably stable performance in all applications except the native Mosaic Alpha 8. I suppose that is why it is an Alpha release. However all in all, as the first native browser offered by NCSA, it did perform quite well.

Bluewater Productions began as a video production company specializing in anthropological applications and visual communication. As the Internet revolution began, a need for skilled navigators and programmers arose. The Internet's potential for distribution of ideas and images on a global scale soon drew Bluewater's principal partners into the realm of digital media. While BOATNET may seem distant from anthropology and the realm of education, the Bluewater team and its coalition of sensible professionals continue to work in such fields as CD-ROM authoring and production, non-linear video production, educational technologies, and World Wide Web publishing in an effort to make tomorrow a safe and intellectually invigorating place for our children.

It seems to be almost a tradition now on the web to include pictures of "webmasters" and their dogs so here is one of Maggie and Barney watching the sunset on Patos Island with a bucket of fresh mussels. That's their home on the mooring buoy in the background. Lending a hand with the traveler is the fine boatdog Abby.

To discuss BOATNET or other potential World Wide Web sites, contact Bluewater Productions at
3212 Northwest Ave. C-419
Bellingham, WA. 98225
(360) 715-1728, FAX (360) 715-8147, email

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