Of all the forces affecting the human body, gravity is among the most powerful. Body misalignment in gravity results in chronic strain, lowered vitality and impaired biological and psychological functioning. Because the body is better-balanced after Rolfing, it expends less of its vital energies against gravity. This biological energy-efficiency is often experienced as a higher level of alertness and vitality. Movement becomes easier and overall personal functioning tends to improve.
People of all ages come to Rolfing for help with neck pain, back problems, impaired mobility and other difficulties which originate with internal strains. Others seek to improve their appearance, to improve athletic performance, and to enhance personal growth toward a fuller realization of their potential.
Rolfing results in a feeling of fitness and wholeness. People who have been Rolfed stand and move with more surety and grace than before. Rolfing clients often report positive changes in their outlook on life and in their ability to handle emotional changes.