A Public Service provided by Biophysics / Uni-Duesseldorf

This service is currently under construction, please refer to this list of CUSI servers if you encounter any problems!


See CUSI at NEXOR for background information and the List of CUSI Services.

Lynx users should use this radio button version of CUSI until the Lynx bugs are fixed.

WWW Indices

These are some indices of WWW-based information useful for finding well-known services.
Search term:
The CUI W3 Catalog is a fairly comprehensive semi-automated high-quality global index. Our ALIWEB is semi-distributed special purpose global index for the Web, which is growing slowly. The GNA Meta-Library is becoming more out of date as it is maintained manually, but has got non-WWW refernces also. CityScape's Global On-Line Directory boasts to be the "the ultimate Internet reference" soon, but is also manual so I'm not so sure. DA-CLOD is a database where anybody can add URLs. comp.infosystems.announce refers to your local News system for the actual articles (which may no longer exist)>

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