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Junior Achievement Purpose/Facts
To educate and inspire young people to value
free enterprise, to understand business and economics,
and to be workforce ready.
We do this by developing ...
- the desire in young people to stay in school and appreciate lifelong learning
- positive attitudes toward work and contributing to a diverse society
- business/education partnerships that create a bridge between the classroom and the workplace
We accomplish this through ...
- sequential and integrated K/12 programs
- volunteer role models with diverse backgrounds who support all classroom programs
- experience-based learning
National Facts
- Founded in 1919, Junior Achievement is the oldest, largest, and fastest-growing business and economic not-for-profit education organization in the world.
- Junior Achievement reaches over 1.7 million U.S. students and more than 400,000 students in over 70 foreign countries. Worldwide, programs are projected to reach two million students annually by the mid-1990s.
- 100,000 volunteers contribute more than 1,000,000 hours to Junior Achievement each year. Of those volunteers, 52,000 are business men and women who work as partners with the teacher in the classroom.
Local Facts
Over 400 local people volunteer their time and knowledge to teach over 13,000 students about the "real world" each year, kindergarten through 12th grade, in Santa Clara County.
The five programs available locally are
Applied Economics
Project Business
The Economics of Staying in School
Program Math and
our newest, K-6 Elementary School Program.
Junior Achievement
5201 Great America Parkway . Suite 455
Santa Clara . CA . 95054-1128 . (408) 988-8915