All prices are in Australian dollars and must be paid in same. For greater ease of purchasing we accept Bankcard, Visa and Mastercard. CDs are delivered free of postage within Australia. All other items add 10% for delivery within Australia, 20% for everywhere else. Minimum delivery charge is $1.80 within Australia, $5 elsewhere. Maximum Australian delivery charge is $10. Items marked (18+) require proof of age.
You can email your orders, questions or comments to, order by FAX, phone or post, or just drop in to our shops and browse. If your WWW browser doesn't support the "mailto:" link above, try our email form instead.
330 Brunswick Street Fitzroy VIC 3065 Australia
+61 3 419 5223
PO Box 73 Fitzroy VIC 3065 Australia
FAX: + 61 3 419 4961
Tip: If your browser supports cut-and-paste, try marking your selection from our catalogue and pasting it into your order!
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