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Experimental Stock Market Data

Prices have not been updated since April 14, 1995. The Stockmaster is aware of the problem and is working on it.

This is an experimental page that currently provides a link to the latest stock market information. It is updated automatically, usually between 10:00 p.m. EDT and 1:00 a.m. EDT, from an email source in California to reflect the current day's closing information. It consists of general market news and quotes for selected stocks. Not all stocks are included here; see here for the ticker symbols of the included stocks.

Stock prices are "Deemed reliable, but never guaranteed." For reliable stock prices consult a licensed stockbroker or a reputable financial newspaper or service. For more information about the source of these quotes, or to get on the mailing list to receive these quotes directly please contact martin.wong@eng.sun.com. The charts available below are part of a free value-added service provided as an experiment by Mark Torrance at the M.I.T. Artificial Intelligence Laboratory.

Please do not send mail to request that this service track a given stock that is not provided in the source data; I have no control over which stocks are provided.

Please send mail to the stockmaster at the address below if any of the following is true:

If you would like a particular mutual fund added that is not in the InterTrade data, or you aren't sure whether it is, you can ask them to add it by sending email to 72066.3043@compuserve.com. I cannot guarantee a response to your message; usage of this service has increased dramatically since it was mentioned in an article in the Washington Post business section on April 10, 1994 .

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The Stockmaster
Mark C. Torrance
M.I.T. AI Lab Graduate Student
Please send email only to: