Judaism and Jewish Resources

Changing Servers

The Judaism and Jewish Resources page has a new home at http://shamash.nysernet.org/trb/judaism.html . Many thanks to Joel Jones at UIUC who has graciously provided http service for this page and has processed my frequent updates. The Shamash project at Nysernet has given me access to their http server so I will be able to modify the page myself, so I'll be able to keep it more current, instead of filtering the changes through Joel.

There is a copy of the page below, but it will not be kept up to date. Please modify your pointers to point to the new page at Shamash.

I'm sorry for the inconvenience that will be caused by this change.

Andy Tannenbaum trb@clam.com

The Internet is rich with Jewish resources. This page shows you the doors to all these resources, so that you may go in and explore.

Web and Gopher Central Services

The Israel Sensitive Map is a visual interface to all the Web and Gopher servers in Israel. (A text-based list is also available.) The Shamash Project Gopher and Web at Nysernet in New York and Jerusalem One Gopher in Israel are large repositories of information on Israel and Judaism.

The University of Minnesota develops and tracks the Gopher system. They keep a database of all Gopher servers. They keep a list of links to all Gopher servers in Israel which includes academic, commercial, and government sites.

FTP archives

The Shamash Project's israel.nysernet.org ftp archive contains many kinds of Jewish-oriented information. The jerusalem1.datasrv.co.il ftp archive has an extensive collection of Hebrew software.

Mailing lists

Some of these sites sponsor mailing lists that discuss a broad range of Jewish topics - there are over 100 different Jewish discussion lists on the Internet.
Jerusalem One has descriptions of their lists and list archives.
Shamash has descriptions of their lists and list archives.

The State of Israel

The Israeli Government Gopher focuses on Israeli affairs.

News from Israel

The ISRALINE news service is edited by the Israeli Consulate of New York. They provide a daily summary of news from the Israeli press. The ISRALINE subscription mailing list is maintained by Tel Aviv University. To subscribe to ISRALINE:
	Mail to: listserv@vm.tau.ac.il
	with message text: subscribe ISRALINE Devorah Cohen
replace "Devorah Cohen" with your name, and leave the Subject: line empty.

Jerusalem One provides several media sources available by mailing list subscription.

The Jerusalem Post provides news service by email for a fee. Mail to them at jpost@zeus.datasrv.co.il for more information.


Usenet offers the following newsgroups of Jewish interest:

SCJ Frequently Asked Questions and Jewish Reading Lists

Soc.culture.jewish has a very informative FAQ (answers to Frequently Asked Questions) and Jewish reading lists.

Internet Relay Chat

The IRC has a #israel channel that is usually active. IRC is a party-line conversation server, allowing groups of participants around the world to converse in real time.

Jewish Companies

These companies provide Jewish goods and services on the net.

Jewish Resources at Schools

Divrei Torah

Search Divrei Torah at Shamash.


Chabad Lubavitch provides information on their Chassidic teachings on a Gopher server. There is a separate Web server with an Internet Guide to Chabad Lubavitch Literature.


The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, DC has a WWW server with exhibitions and other services.

The Anne Frank Web site at the University of Washington.

Tour of Jerusalem

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem offers a beautiful multimedia tour called the Jerusalem Mosaic.

Dead Sea Scrolls

The University of North Carolina has a hypertext version of the Dead Sea Scrolls exhibit from the Library of Congress.


The Hebrew University of Jerusalem's JewishNet Web server has many pointers to Jewish network services. JewishNet may also be accessed by telnet. (Login: JEWISHNET)


Telnet access to Jewish Theological Seminary of America Library Catalog.
Username: ALEPH

Yale University maintains a database of Library Catalogs Worldwide.

Jewish Studies

The University of California at Davis offers a course, Introduction to Judaism.

The Jewish Studies Judaica eJournal is an on-line journal devoted to research in Jewish Studies.


The World ORT Project in London has a gopher and Web server with information about its services. ANJY - A Network for Jewish Youth also has info on this server.


This month's Hebrew calendar, today's Hebrew date, and Hebrew calendar (reminder) software.

Ugandan Jewry

The Jewish community at Brown University has been involved with the Abayudaya Jews of Uganda.


Philip Greenspun searches for Jewish history in Berlin and Prague.

Other Web pages of Jewish interest

Stewart Clamen at CMU keeps another list of Jewish Web links.

The Center for Middle Eastern Studies at the University of Texas at Austin has a list of Middle East information services.

Last update: 20-October-1994

Andrew Tannenbaum