
The wait is over. Real-time audio is here.

Progressive Networks presents RealAudio, software that delivers real-time audio over the Internet.

Notice: The RealAudio Homepage and the East Coast Mirror will be unavailable between 8 a.m. and 12 noon PDT on Sunday, April 30th while we install hardware upgrades to our Internet connections. Sorry about the inconvenience, but this brief outage will enable us to handle the massive loads we've been experiencing, and allow more of you to make better connections to RealAudio. While we're offline, try some of the other RealAudio sites on the net.

Sound good? Come on and download your own copy of the RealAudio Player. It's free, after all (and you can't hear any of these sound clips without it...). Once you're set up, listen to company President and CEO Rob Glaser at our April 10th product launch, explaining what RealAudio is and why you'll want it.

And once you've heard what we have to offer, check out this list of other sites with RealAudio sound files online. As a matter of fact, you can add your own voice to the chorus, because...

The RealAudio Encoder beta version is here!

The "Encoder" component of RealAudio Studio allows you to create your own RealAudio files, and is now available for beta testing. Follow this link to find out more about the RealAudio Encoder.

We also have a text-only directory of the site, if you prefer.

Copyright © Progressive Networks, 1995, all rights reserved. RealAudio is a trademark of Progressive Networks.