The LLNL Advanced Telecommunications Program (ATP)

Last updated June 6, 1995.
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See Topics below for more information about LLNL's ATP.

Gigabit Communications



The gigabit communications efforts at LLNL will provide the very high-speed and cost-effective communications infrastructure needed by scientists and engineers to more effectively complete their R&D projects. We are tightly coupled with industry and standards organizations to ensure that the necessary components and systems are developed and widely available.


These efforts will enable more effective methods of scientific computing at LLNL and elsewhere. File transfer times will be greatly reduced, visualization of high-resolution color movies will be possible, and distributed computing on many applications will become possible. As with other enabling technologies, it is likely that paradigm shifts will occur, and other applications will become feasible as this technology is applied.

Feature Highlights


The ability of scientists and engineers to effectively utilize the computing, storage, and visualization capabilities of available technology is limited by the performance of current network and I/O technologies. The advent of massively parallel processors (MPPs), cluster computing, RAID storage systems, and powerful workstation technology requires us to reevaluate our previous approaches to network and peripheral interconnections. The shared media architectures existing networks do not provide the performance needed by these systems. This has motivated us to develop a switched network that will provide Gbit/s serial link speeds and an aggregate capacity over a Tbit/s. Such an architecture will minimize the network and peripheral interconnections as a productivity bottleneck in our computing environment.

Our gigabit communication efforts have several thrusts: development of a prototype gigabit switched local area network (LAN), participation in Fibre Channel standards definition, interoperability testing of Fibre Channel equipment/computers, network modeling and simulation, and participation in R&D of very high-speed ATM wide area networks (WANs) and metropolitan area networks (MANs), including gateways to Fibre Channel and application demonstrations. In all of our activities, collaboration with industry, universities, and other laboratories is the key to success.

There is a great deal of ferment in the area of high speed digital communications. This ferment is fueled to some extent by the High Performance Computing and Communications Act (HPCC) and by the well publicized push toward a National Information Infrastructure (NII). From a technical viewpoint, this ferment can be seen as an interaction of cultures:

One or more leading communications standards has come out of and is still being championed by each of these major communication cultures:

LLNL is playing a leadership role in blending these cultures and technologies to meet the internal needs of its scientists and in support of U.S. industry to meet the needs of the developing National Information Infrastructure.

Gigabit Switched LAN

We are developing a switched LAN with Gbit/s optical channels based on the Fibre Channel standards that are being defined by the ANSI X3T11 committee. An initial 32-port prototype system is being built by Ancor Communications based on our specifications. This prototype system will demonstrate the performance and scalability of the Ancor non-blocking switch architecture (figure) and the use of Fibre Channel as the basis for high-performance LANs and peripheral interconnects. Host adapters to VME, HIPPI, NuBus, and MCA will be used initially to interface computer systems to the switch; adapters interfacing to other busses and networks will also be available in the near future. Our initial prototype operates at 266 Mbit/s and will be upgraded to 1 Gbit/s later this year (1994).

Fibre Channel Standards

To ensure the widespread development of compatible and cost effective components and products, it is critical that they be based on standards. For this reason we are very active in the ANSI X3T11 committee, which is defining the Fibre Channel standards. These standards define the underlying communication layers that support IP/ARP, HIPPI-FP, SCSI-3, IPI-3, and other protocols (some Fibre Channel standards information is available online). They will allow high-performance and low-cost networks and peripheral interfaces to be built that support the interconnection of a broad range of computer, storage, and other systems. These new standards are gaining wide acceptance. Initial components and products are now available, and many other Fibre Channel based designs are under development.

Fibre Channel Interoperability Testing
(and related notes from the 4/94 X3T11 Plenary meeting)

We have established a test facility for Fibre Channel interoperability testing and are working with major workstation and other vendors to test and evaluate early pre-release/prototype systems. The Department of Energy has funded this effort as part of the Technology Transfer Initiative (TCI). LLNL signs Cooperative Research and Development Agreements (CRADAs) with the companies that participate in this test bed. Industrial partners are expected to contribute equipment and manpower to make this interoperability testing productive. This process provides vendors with valuable feedback while maintaining the confidentiality of proprietary information. It also provides feedback for the ANSI standardization process. We encourage companies developing Fibre Channel products to contact us regarding potential collaborations.


Because many LLNL scientists and engineers also collaborate closely with others outside LLNL, it is important that we have access from our gigabit switched LAN to very high-speed WANs and MANs. To foster this access, we are involved in several R&D activities. We are attached to the AT&T XUNET test bed WAN, which connects to Sandia National Laboratory (SNL), U.C. Berkeley, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory (LBL), the University of Illinois, the University of Wisconsin at Madison, Rutgers University, and AT&T Bell Laboratories. We are also participating in the development of a high-speed MAN test bed interconnecting many high-technology organizations in the Bay Area ( Bagnet). In addition, our development of initial gateways from Fibre Channel to SONET and ATM will provide WAN/MAN connectivity and allow us to study the performance and cost issues related to various applications.


We recognize that collaboration with industry, universities, and other laboratories is the key to success. We encourage involvement with other organizations. The organizations supporting our efforts in numerous ways include 3M, Ancor Communications, AT&T, Bellcore, Cray Research, Finisar, Hewlett Packard, IBM, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Pacific Bell, Sandia National Laboratory, Silicon Graphics Inc., and Sun Microsystems.

Advanced Telecommunications Program,
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

For more information, contact:

Bob Bryant: (510) 422-4241,
Bill Lennon: (510) 422-1091,
Tim Voss: (510) 422-0452,
or anyone else on the ATP staff.

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