NASA Langley Colloquium and Sigma Series Lectures


The purpose of the Colloquium Lectures at NASA Langley is to provide monthly lectures and demonstrations related to science and technology to stimulate the creative processes of the Center's employees, and to enhance the quality of life at Langley by providing more opportunities for learning. These lectures are open to NASA empolyees, NASA contractors, and other invited guests. Click on the highlighted text for an interesting look at the history of the Colloquium Lectures at Langley.

The purpose of the Sigma Series Lectures, at the Virginia Air and Space Center in downtown Hampton, is to provide to the general public this same opportunity for exposure to interesting technical topics. These lectures, however, are usually at a somewhat less detailed level, since a high proportion of the audience may consist of people with non-technical backgrounds as well as local high school and college students.

The guests and topics for both the Colloquium and Sigma Series Lectures are selected by a committee of NASA employees representing the different technical organizations at the Center.

Upcoming Lectures

Past Lectures

VHS videotapes are currently made of all Colloquium Lectures, and many of the past lectures were also videotaped. These tapes can be borrowed, by NASA employees and contractors only, from Langley's Technical Library (x42389). A list of past colloquium lectures is available to help you select which lectures you'd like to catch up on.

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