Welcome to the Unicode Home Page
What is Unicode?
Have you ever had trouble remembering what ASCII means? How about
EBCDIC? ISO Latin1? JIS? Code Page 437? The list goes on and on.
Forget about all these acronyms. Now you only need to
remember one word: Unicode. Unicode.
There, say it again: Unicode. Wasn't that easy!
It just rolls off your tongue.
What in the world is Unicode you ask? Well, it's what
the computer uses to store all those characters every time you hit a key.
Anywhere in the world. Or, if it isn't using it right now, it's going to
be using it real soon. So, get used to the name, get used to the sound.
You'll be hearing it again soon! Now, for more inquisitive minds,
start clicking below ...
The Unicode Consortium, which is responsible for the Unicode standard,
may be reached by traditional means at:
The Unicode Consortium Tel: +1 408 777 5870
P.O. Box 700519 Fax: +1 408 777 5082
San Jose, CA 95170-0519 Email: unicode-inc@unicode.org
The Unicode Web Page is maintained by Glenn Adams
of Stonehand, Inc., in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Feedback is welcome at
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