University Laboratory High School (Uni)

Uni High is located on the campus of the University of Illinois, in Champaign-Urbana, IL.

This is a pin-hole photograph of our school taken by David Bopp, class of '93.
For other views, be sure to see "Proof of Uni", a collection of Uni photos
as seen through the eyes of students, faculty, and innocent bystanders...

Announcements pertaining to the Uni Community.

Our official address is:
University Laboratory High School
1212 W. Springfield
Urbana, Il 61801

Principal / Director: Dr. Shelley Roberts
Assistant Principal: Dr. Joel Crames

Our Mission Statement

As a catalyst for educational innovation, University Laboratory High School seeks to spark the creative fervor and high aspirations of talented young people; to inspire them to excellence; to challenge them through traditional and experimental strategies; to ignite their potential for active, responsible involvement in the adult world; and to influence positively the larger educational community.

See the BIG LIST for High School Teachers, a subject-oriented collection of resources for a variety of curriculum areas.

Don't have time to stay? Then you might miss the first on-line, high-school student art gallery, ArtSpace, which houses digital reproductions of works created by art students at Uni. Also, you could miss out on an article written for the Gargoyle (the school newspaper) by a student in, and on, HyperText Markup Language. And lastly, we're sorry you might not be able to visit our NEW site , History with Mr. Butler, for all you history buffs or Butler fans out there... oh well...

The Gargoyle is now online, too. Check it out.

And now, the moment you've been waiting for.....

Departmental Home Pages!

Other Information About Uni...

Technology at Uni

Many of the projects underway at Uni are supported through training and assistance from NCSA's Education Group.

Other places you might want to go...

If you have any questions, complaints, or suggestions about this
document or Uni High in general, please send mail to: or

Last updated: Wednesday, April 26, 10:20 a.m.