Someone created this beautiful wooden map of the EXPO terrain. It
shows all the exhibits and how they are situated. The map appears to be
made of
Allthough the map appears to be made as a good old dutch map, it is
in fact a full electronic (but still dutch) version that gives you all the
info you want
by clicking at the right place on the map. Again your browser will need to be one
of the best available today, because the browser must support mouse coordinate
mapping and audio.
If your browser is very modern, but your screen is old fashioned b&w
you should switch the map to b&w mode.
A later addition to the map is the small panel with the two buttons on it.
It appears that those dutch engineers have been doing some time traveling.
The EXPO has plenty of space for more exhibits to come.
If you have seen enough you could walk back to the EXPO
Ticket Office or wait until the EXPO
Shuttle Bus picks you up.
The sound of this map is still under construction, but will provide you
with some real information very soon now