Creative Musicians Coalition

The Creative Musicians Coalition (CMC) is an international coalition of individuals and institutions dedicated to the advancement of new music and the success of independent musicians. CMC encourages the creation and appreciation of original music and video art by independent artists. CMC brings together people of many perspectives and careers with the common goals of excellence in new music and appreciation for the artists.

CMC is many things to many people. To the music lover, CMC is a trusted source of new music discoveries; to the musician, CMC is a new alternative way for them to have their music promoted and distributed; to record stores, CMC is a breath of fresh air; to manufacturers and suppliers, CMC opens new meaningful doors; and to the media, CMC is a unique, valuable communication channel. In more down to earth terms, if you are interested in music discoveries, CMC has something for you.

It is somewhat difficult to understand, in one short meeting here, the full functions and devotions of the Creative Musicians Coalition. Those who have joined our crusade and participate in our activities have learned and understand our passions. It takes a bit of time, and, for those investing the time, the journey is exciting and valuable.

The world of music for independents, like no other time in history, offers an open window of opportunity. We here at CMC are going through that window full-steam-ahead, together as one, and embracing the future with open arms. We together, as music lovers and as music makers, follow our dreams to a most rewarding future.

If you have a passion for music and would like to be an intimate part of the CMC crusade, I'd be pleased to tell you more. I invite you to contact me personally. Tell me a little about yourself and your involvement in music. And then provide me your postal mailing address and I'd be pleased to send you an extensive informational packet in the mail. It's too much to send e-mail, so please provide me your postal mailing address.

Please take the time to learn about CMC, I guarantee it will be time well spent. For more information, contact me personally using the addresses or phone numbers below.

Thank you for stopping by -- now stick around, the fun is just beginning,

Ron Wallace

President, CMC

Creative Musicians Coalition
1024 W. Willcox Ave
Peoria, IL 61604  USA

Order Line: (800) 882-4262  USA/Canada
     Phone: (309) 685-4843
       Fax: (309) 685-4878

subscribe cmc

by Internet email to

and you will be added to the interactive or "bounce" version of the list. What this means is all mail sent to the list is sent to you as soon as the CMC list receives it. A digest version of the list is also available. It is the same messages, only they are sent out once a day as a digest. If you would like to join the digest rather than the "bounce" version, subscribe as below (not above):

subscribe cmc-digest

To submit something to the list, whether or not you are a subscriber or a CMC member, you should simply mail it to

That's all. If you have questions feel free to contact me personally. Or if you would like to learn more about CMC, send me your postal mailing address and I'd be happy to send you an informational packet.

Ron Wallace

President, CMC

CMC Online Catalog

Sale now going on! Check it out!

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