SLAC Home Page

1 June 1995

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SLAC Hot Topic: Read about Reshaping Graduate Education, a COSEPUP report affecting the preparation of scientists and engineers.

N.B.: SLAC has engaged upon a major redesign of its URL names over the next few months. See Major Changes to SLAC WWW: Migration.

Table of Contents


Use the WorldWideWeb (WWW) service to gain access to diverse information here and around the globe. Remember that over time hypertext links may move around on a page, migrate to other pages, or be removed entirely due to the dynamic nature of the Web.

SLAC Information (Including SPIRES)

Public Information:
introduction to SLAC, education, employment opportunities, maps, tours.
Phone Books:
SLAC people (directory), particle physics people and institutions; SLAC and ESnet X.500 white pages.
SPIRES-HEP, current PPF-list, books, SLACspeak glossary, Library News, more databases.
Recent E-Prints (with Full-Text Postscript from SLAC) :
today, yesterday, last seven days, week before that, let me search.
today, tomorrow, this week, next week, this year, let me search.
this month, next month, next summer, next year, all future, let me search.
APS What's New, SLAC Hot Topics, SLAC Netnews.

SLAC Physics

BaBar, BES, E143, E144, E154, mQ, SLD, other.
SSRL, Theory, Group K, other.
Analysis Software:
Operations Logs:
Linac: yesterday*, today*, this week*, this year*; SPEAR.
NLCTA, PEP II, other.

SLAC Computing and Communications

General Computing:
FreeHEP, Futures, PowerBook Pool, Security, SLACwide.
Macintosh, PC, UNIX, VM HELP, VMS Help.
Group Computing:
SCS*, other.
Internet, Networking, Network Reference, Telecommunications.

Other SLAC Information Resources

Annals, ELDREQ*, Environment, Safety, & Health, Stores catalog*, Technical Publications, other.

SLAC Divisions

Environment, Safety, & Health (ES&H), Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory (SSRL).

Useful Information Elsewhere

HEP Experiments:
ALEPH, DELPHI, L3, OPAL; CLEO; H1, ZEUS; CDF, D0; more HEP experiments.
HEP Institutions:
Brown (including The Virtual Review), CERN, DESY, Fermilab, IHEP/China, LANL (including e-prints), LBL (including PDG), LLNL, SSC (including equipment disbursement*), more HEP institutions.
Federal Resources:
DOE, FedWorld, the MetaCenter, NASA, NCAR, NERSC, USGS, more federal agencies.
Local Area Resources:
Stanford University and its Medical Center, more local area resources.
Network Organizations:
BARRNet, CREN/BITNET, ESnet, HEPIC, Standards, SuperJANET.
Professional Societies:
AAS, ACM, AIP, APS (including PACS), NAS; HEPiX.
Other Information Sources:
academic fields (the WWW Virtual Library), GopherSpace, grab bag, hacker's jargon, LISTSERV lists, Netnews FAQs, vendors.

SLAC WWW Support

WWW at SLAC is supported by the WWW Technical Committee, to whom you should address questions, comments, complaints, etc. See What's New for updates to SLAC's WWW pages, Major Changes for more system-related modifications, and SLAC WWW Server Statistics for usage data. You may also find the Old SLAC Home Page and the Test SLAC Home Page helpful.

The WWW Project was initiated at CERN. People around the globe contribute. CERN has just turned over basic WWW development in Europe to the WebCore Project headed by INRIA. The International WorldWideWeb Consortium (W3C) is run jointly by INRIA and MIT. See the WWW bibliography for initial pointers to major topics and SLAC WWW resources for pointers to authoring, testing, and other materials for service providers here.


* Access to this link is restricted to SLAC users.

This page is intended for people experienced with WWW at SLAC ("refreshers") who prefer working in a flat dense space.

This version of the SLAC Home Page was created by Joan Winters and evolved from part of the original one created by Tony Johnson and updated by various SLAC WWWizards. This version of the SLAC seal was created by Terry Anderson.

[ SLAC Directory | WWW Resources | Test Home Page | Suggestions ]

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