University of Wolverhampton UK Sensitive Maps

Academic Sites version

The map below shows all UK universities and shows other colleges as they appear on the web.

Also available are:

Cultural and Research WWW servers map

Classified searchable list of UK WWW pages.

Version history : Version 2.026

indicates a web site

indicates a site with no known network services

indicates the actual location of a town or city.

To use: Simply click on the name of the institution (or its associated town) that you are interested in.

Please Note: Due to limited space, universities and sites in London and the South East of England are not shown geographically but appear as a separate list in the top right hand corner of the map.

If you thought access was slow this is because the University of Wolverhampton is connected to the Internet via a 64kbd link.

Web Touring ?? - Why not stop off in Wolverhampton.

If you can't see the site you want on one of our maps there are other places you might try looking.
Mark Handley at University College, London has a UK Tourist map.

Maps devised, constructed and maintained by the School of Computing and Information Technology, University of Wolverhampton.

System Home Page

All comments, error reports and requests for alterations etc., should go to

Peter Burden

Last altered

%th April 1995