The Annual Meeting of the American Risk and Insurance Association features discussions of research and plenary sessions on current insurance and risk management topics. Attendees have the opportunity to express their views and engage in dialogue with program participants. Speakers include academics, regulators, insurance professionals, and others interested in these important issues. Click here to view the program of ARIA's 1994 annual meeting.
Also held annually is the two and one-half day Risk Theory Seminar, which is sponsored by the Risk Theory Society. At the Seminar, attendees present and discuss their current research. Membership in the Risk Theory Society may be applied for by anyone who wishes to present a qualified research paper. Click here to view the program of the 1994 annual meeting of the Risk Theory Society.
Both conferences give members the opportunity to exchange ideas, forge valuable professional relationships, and learn about the latest ideas and developments on insurance theory and issues. All of these opportunities are tools for keeping abreast of important issues affecting the insurance industry.