QuikNet and Inter-City Express present Real Estate ' 2000'

The Hunt for the Perfect Property Starts Here

QuikNet's 'Armchair' Home Shopping guide is for busy people with busy lifestyles.

Sometimes the hardest part of looking for a home when you are moving is getting community and property information before you ever pack your bags and travel to the destination for final house hunting. QuikNet provides the solution by providing community information and pictorial property listings.

You're invited to browse through the listed homes. Some even let you come inside.

Let QuikNet help you to explore all the possibilities of your move, 24 hours a day. You won't find any 'closed' signs here.

Sacramento Mortgage Companies offer a full range of residential lending programs.

When you see a listed home or property you are interested in please contact the person or agency mentioned in the ad.

Browse through the Sacramento Realtor Listings

Real Estate Alternatives, Al Carr presents

Larchmont Home in quiet Cul de Sac

Home Builder Mark Disbrow presents: Lakeview Home

Real Estate Alternatives - Orangevale

Coldwell Banker

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