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Ada: The International Language
for Software Engineering
Who was Ada?
Meet Ada Lovelace, the first computer programmer in history.
Ada is the language for a complex world.
Ada is an advanced, modern programming language, designed and standardized to support widely recognized software engineering principles: reliability, portability, modularity, reusability, programming as a human activity, efficiency, maintainability, information hiding, abstract data types, concurrent programming, object-oriented programming, et caetera. All Ada compilers must pass a validation test.
For more details, read a brief introduction to the language.
- reference manuals, rationales, style guides, grammars, ACVC;
- standards
(POSIX, ASIS, Numerics, ...);
- bindings
(X Window, Motif, POSIX, ...);
- tutorials;
- tools and components
(commercial and "non-commercial");
- compilers and vendors;
- online articles;
- book lists, reviews, and announcements;
- software repository centers,
with a cornucopia of Ada goodies;
- research references;
- etc.
Easy access (but no pointers :-) to Ada-related
FTP sites, and
WWW servers.
While browsing the HBAP WWW Server, clicking on Lady Lovelace's icon
will always bring you back to the HBAP home page, i.e. here.
Feedback and contributions are appreciated:
Submission Directions.
For comments, additions, corrections, gripes, kudos, etc.
e-mail to:
Magnus Kempe -- Magnus.Kempe@di.epfl.ch
Page last modified: 95-06-02
The HBAP WWW Server is located at the Software Engineering Lab, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne.