Pompeii. Forum. Balloon photograph: Whittlesey Foundation. Courtesy Aristide D. Caratzas, Publisher. All rights reserved.


Copyright (c) 1994 by John J. Dobbins, all rights reserved. This text may be shared in accordance with the fair-use provisions of U.S. copyright law. Redistribution or republication of this text on other terms, in any medium, requires the consent of the author and the notification of the publisher, the Institute for Advanced Technology in the Humanities. Permission to reproduce graphic images in this archive has been granted by the owners of the originals for this publication only.

Temporary Note:

I have recently reduced the size of many large image files. This should reduce the time required for the images to appear on your screen. This work is still in progress. J.J.D. 12/28/94

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Modifications to this Document

This document was released on the WWW in May 1994. Modifications will be of a minor nature. Any substantial changes or additions will appear as a separate publication. The list below provides the dates and the nature of the changes made.

Last Updated:2 January 1994 (deletion of a temporary message); 28 December 1994 (full citation to my 1994 AJA article provided; changes to home page format; other minor format changes); 23 December 1994 (several, but not all, image files were reduced in size); 31 October 1994 (minor changes).


The Pompeii Forum Project is a collaborative venture that focuses on the urban center of Pompeii. (The forum at any Roman town was the urban center housing the town's main religious, civic, and commercial institutions.) There are three components to the project: documentation of standing remains; archaeological analysis; and urban study that seeks a) to interpret the developments at Pompeii in the broader context of urban history and b) to identify at Pompeii recurring patterns of urban evolution that can be applied to contemporary issues in American urbanism.

To continue with the description of the Pompeii Forum Project, CLICK HERE.

To go directly to the opening plan of the forum, which leads to other plans, images, and discussions, CLICK HERE)

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Last Modified: Monday, 02-Jan-95 12:12:45 EST