The Computer Graphics Unit at Manchester Computing Centre and the Department of Computing Science at the University of Manchester are hosting a collaborative ITTI project to develop training materials on the use of Computer graphics and Scientific Visualisation.
The ITTI Computer Graphics and Visualisation project is producing a modular set of training materials for the Higher Education community. These will be available for universities to use `off the shelf', saving them valuable time and money which would be required to develop the materials in house.
Modules include illustrated hand-outs, workbooks, visual aids, demonstration programs, sample code and resource lists as appropriate.
Computer graphics and scientific visualisation are two powerful tools which may be of benefit to postgraduates and research assistants. As these subjects are often not taught at undergraduate level, they may be under-used through lack of effective postgraduate training.
The project is managed by Terry Hewitt, Director of the Computer Graphics Unit, and Toby Howard, lecturer in computer graphics in the Department of Computer Science.
The project team comprises Lin Fenqiang as software engineer and Chris Lilley as technical author.
The teaching materials are divided into modules. Three are now released:
A further three are currently under development:
We also hope to produce modules on:
Development costs for the project are being funded by the IT Training Initiative. Printed and bound copies of the modules are available to all UK universities at a special price to cover production and distribution costs. The materials are also available for downloading over the Web; see individual modules for details.
The materials are also available for purchase by commercial companies and other bodies. Non-UK universities receive an educational discount.
To keep informed of release dates and for further information about the Gravigs project,
For more information about the ITTI, email the National Co-ordinator, Mr Brian Sheilds:
For a description of other ITTI projects and the products they have produced, email Ms Jean Burgan at: