The On-Line Information Program

The On-Line Information Program is available to individuals and groups having access to a 1200- or 2400-baud terminal with dial-up capabilities to a commercial telephone number in Golden, Colorado. The program is also available on a toll-free WATS number to all users in the United States outside of Colorado. The WATS line will accept either 300- or 1200-baud terminals. In Addition, the On-Line Information Program is available to users throughout the world who have access to the International Packet Switching Network (IPSS), through the U.S. Carrier TYMNET. Users within the United States who have access to TYMNET can also reach the program through the network.

The program is also accessible on the internet computer network.

The On-Line Information Program has three options:

The On-Line Information Program is available on a 24-hour basis, seven days a week. For further information on this program, write to:

	The On-Line Information Program/QED
	Box 25046, Federal Center, MS 967
	Denver, CO 80225

	(303) 273-8500


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