*CIT HelpDesk*
This server provides access to information resources which may allow you to find an answer to a question or a solution to a problem electronically. Consulting questions, comments and suggestions about this service may be e-mailed to us at HelpDesk@cornell.edu. We are staffed Monday-Friday from 8:00-6:00 (5:00 Dec. 12 - Jan . 16). If you would like to speak with a HelpDesk consultant, please phone 607/255-8990 or stop by 126 CCC on the Ag Quad. We invite you to learn more about the HelpDesk and check out our job openings if you're interested in working for us.
- CIT publications, information about Bear Access, EZ-REMOTE, Network Identities (Net IDs), and CIT and its various services is maintained by CIT staff.
- Helper programs for World Wide Web software are available too, as are suggestions and guidelines for setting up a Web server at Cornell.
- Copious amounts of information about general computing on PCs, Macintosh and Unix computers is available through the Internet Computer Index. The PC-Mac TCP/IP FAQ, the PC Winsock FAQ and PowerPC news may also be useful. Two other Web sites with information about the Macintosh and Mac mailling lists related to it reside at MSU.
- If you're looking for information about the Internet or its use, we've got links to plenty of useful resources. The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing or the dictionary of computer jargon may be helpful if you encounter an unfamiliar term. You can also search all known FAQ files -- these contain frequently asked questions and answers about all kinds of things.
- Companies such as Apple, IBM, MicroSoft, Novell, Farallon and Hewlett-Packard provide their own information about products and services -- we simply offer connections to it.
- Technical support is also available from Apple and a FAQ for Trumpet Winsock has been created.
- Some suggestions for obtaining Internet access away from Ithaca was prepared by M.Scott Walters of the CIT Residence Hall Network service.
- The Global Prepress Center offers many resource related to desktop publishing. Columbia University has a server with Kermit information.
- The Center for Statistical and Mathematical Computing at Indiana University Bloomington.
At this site, you'll find information about Statistical (SAS, SPSS,
MINITAB, etc) and Mathematical (Maple, Mathematica, MATLAB, etc.)
Software in the form of sample programs, tutorials, and pointers to
other internet resources. While some of the information contained on
the server is more relevant to IU students and faculty, there is also
a fair bit of information that could be useful to others..
CIT Home Page *** CIT HelpDesk *** CIT Publications *** CUinfo *** other computing resources at Cornell
This file last modified 4/17/95 by CIT_Webmaster@cornell.edu