Virtual Frog Dissection Kit, Version 1.2

This interactive program is part of the "Whole Frog" project. It allows interactive dissection of a frog, and includes the capability to make on-the-fly movies. A browser that supports forms and sensitive images is needed. The dissection kit is available in a number of languages. It is now available in Italiano. If you have not used the kit before, look at this page for recommendations on browsers to use.

- - - START interactive program - - -

Test your knowledge of frog anatomy with the Virtual Frog Builder Game.

Help and additional information available include a tutorial, an overview of how the program works, and a paper that was presented at The Second International WWW Conference '94.

A link to the final release of the non-sensitive image version is still available here.

The images of the frog in this kit are computer-generated. For another approach, in which photos and movies are used to follow an actual frog dissection, see the University of Virginia's pages here.

We welcome your suggestions and comments. If you have a question, you might take a look at the virtual frog FAQ.

Administrative Information

Ownership and Revision History

David Robertson ( is responsible for this WWW document, and developed the virtual frog dissection kit. I am looking for mirror sites.

William E. Johnston ( has reviewed this WWW document.

To report general problems, please e-mail, with the offending URL and error messages.


This document and its uses are subject to LBL's disclaimers and legal notices.

ITG's (our group's) home page.

Visit the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory home page.

This document was last updated on April 4, 1995, and is located at