About The Cygnus Group

The Cygnus Group helps businesses and other organizations integrate environmental concepts into their strategic planning, marketing and communications activities. Particular emphasis is on helping companies successfully develop and effectively promote waste-preventing strategies, products and packaging. The organization's philosophy is very much in synch with the Vision for Success recently developed by the Institute for Alternative Futures (IAF).

The firm utilizes proprietary, state-of-the-art sustainable development and communications models. These include life cycle and opportunity analysis, audience segmentation, personality mapping, diffusion of innovation, and motivation analysis tools. The Cygnus Group is also a pioneer in the use of the Internet for business information retrieval, analysis and dissemination.

The Cygnus Group maintains close relationships with a number of well- known environmental experts, including Dr. William Rathje, Professor of Archaeology at The University of Arizona and Director of The Garbage Project. The firm belongs to the Sustainable Development Association, and is also a member of Business for Social Responsibility, a national organization created to champion corporate responsibilities relating to employees, communities, the marketplace and the environment.

Current clients include Fortune 500 companies, trade associations and professional teaching/education organizations. References can be furnished upon request.

FOR MORE INFO: Send e-mail to info@cygnus-group.com
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