Databases and Bibliographies
Telnet MILA.PS.UCI.EDU or login: mbi Password: nammbi Data Base Contents: Scientific research (references & abstracts) on music as related to behavior, the brain and allied fields MBI Main Menu (1) Search MBI Database (2) News, Notices, Items of Interest (3) Information about the MBI system (4) Help (5) Exit/Logout Welcome to the Music and Brain Information Database (MBI) MBI is funded by a start-up grant from the National Association of Music Merchants. Our goal is to establish a comprehensive data base of scientific research (references and abstracts) on music as related to behavior, the brain and allied fields, in order to foster interdisciplinary knowledge. Topics included: auditory system, human and animal behavior, creativity, human brain / neuropsychology of music, effects of music on behavior and physiology, music education / medicine / performance / and therapy, neurobiology, perception and psychophysics. All citations and abstracts from the following journals will be included: Bulletin of the Council for Research in Music Education, Journal of Research in Music Education, Music Perception, Psychology of Music, Psychomusicology. The database software is WAIS (Wide Area Information Servers) with SWAIS interface. New and improved versions of WAIS and SWAIS will be incorporated as they become avilable. See Help, option H. We plan to serve as a clearing house for new findings prior to actual publication, so we invite you to send us your preprints [preferably by e-mail] for inclusion in the MBI. Norman Weinberger (714) 856-5512 Gordon Shaw (714) 856-6620 Center for the Neurobiology of Learning and Memory University of California, Irvine, CA 92717 Send problems/comments/suggestions to