
School for Advanced Studies

in Industrial and Applied Mathematics

The time has come, the walrus said, to talk of many things...

Welcome to the World Wide Web Server of SASIAM, ``Cremisi''.

SASIAM is in Tecnopolis Novus Ortus/Valenzano/Bari/Italy. Follow these suggestions to reach us.

This server runs on Fourier.CSATA.It, an IBM RS6000 mod.530 in SASIAM's High Performance Computing Laboratory.

...`and what is the use of a book,' -- thought Alice -- `without pictures or conversation?'

These are Cremisi's shortcuts: click on any of them to run to specific sections of this server.

From this site you can :

This server is based on NCSA HTTPD v1.3. Thanks a lot to The Stuff at NCSA.
Please consider that the contents and the look 'n feel of this server depend... on you! I mean that I expect that you mail me your suggestions, ideas, pleas etc. Let me know about any misfunction and I'll try to fix it as soon as I can. The same apply for mistakes due to my terrific english. Thank you.
This installation was operated and is maintained by Vincenzo De Florio

A special thank to my Internet friends Marco Pirovano e Fabio Metitieri who so many times helped me.
before leaving... have a chinese biscuit.
(last modification: Sept 22, 1994).