Interesting Hacks To Fascinate People:
The MIT Gallery of Hacks

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Welcome to the IHTFP Hack Gallery, a compendium of MIT ``hacks.'' The word hack, when used here at MIT, usually refers to a clever, benign, and ``ethical'' prank which is both challenging for the perpetrators and amusing to the MIT community (and sometimes even the rest of the world!). This is our compilation of descriptions and pictures of hacks that have happened recently at MIT.

In a hurry? Check out our ``Best Of'' listing of hacks!

Recent Additions

New pix for Jurassic Skylight, Holiday Lights on the Little Dome, University of Michigan Banner at Pres. Charles Vest's Inaugruation, 1994 Superballs, Hartley Rogers, Jr. for President, and the Student Center Hairball.

New writeups for Bathroom Athena Cluster and Nightline Meets Mr. Peterson.

Other Resources:


The IHTFP Hack Gallery is published by:
The Freshman Fishwrap What is The Freshman Fishwrap? in collaboration with the MIT Museum

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