Entomology Spatial Analysis Laboratory

Welcome to the E.S.A.L.

The Entomology Spatial Analysis Laboratory (ESAL) is located in room 235B of the Natural Science building at Michigan State University. The laboratory provides the capability to manage, process, and analyze temporal and spatial information related to the biological disciplines. The ESAL works with the technology associated with Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to analyze, model, and interpret a combination of biological and physical aspects of landscapes.

ESAL funding sources include: the Agricultural Experiment Station (AES), MSU Research Excellence Fund, Cooperative State Research Service (CSRS): Regional Research NC94, the National Science Foundation (NSF), the NSF Long Term Ecological Research Program (LTER), Michigan Department of Agriculture (MDA), the Consortium for International Earth Sciences Information Network (CIESIN), United States Department of Agriculture- Agricultural Research Service (USDA-ARS), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).

Active Research Areas

E.S.A.L. Personnel and Associated Faculty

Lab Personnel

For more information about the Entomology Spatial Analysis Laboratory and research projects, contact:

Dr. Staurt H. Gage
243 Natural Science Building
Department of Entomology
Michigan State University
East Lansing, Michigan 48824
(517) 355-4561
(517) 355-2135
(517) 353-4354

Entomology Spatial Analysis Laboratory / ESAL / sg1410@esalsun10.ent.msu.edu


Entomology Spatial Analysis Laboratory Home Page, created and maintained by Amos H. Ziegler. E-Mail webmaster@esalsun10.ent.msu.edu regarding problems or suggestions.

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Last modified 7/26/94