Welcome to Enternet Communications

Our offerings...

Influx Magazine is our magazine designed for high bandwidth-- those of you with fast connections will appreciate our true magazine layout. Take a stroll through this online cornicopia and experience a piece of the future --today.
Influx Magazine
Cover, Table Of Contents & Masthead

Tim Brauch Interview: Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7; Text Version.
Israel Forbes Interview: Page 1, 2, with Movies; Text Version.
Models Ink, featuring Kimberly: Cover, Page 1, 2.
Random Skate Moments: Info, John Coon, Cade Klock, Random Unknowns.
New Art Frontiers, featuring Bill Watt: Page 1, 2 (with JPEGs)
Douglas Lee: Page 1, 2 (with JPEGs).
Feedback: Mail us, Letters to the Editor, & Interactive Web Skatetalk.

Enternet Skateboarding Enternet's original skate site! Those who are revisiting know this format; those who are new will find gif's and jpeg's, full motion video, and a random skate video or photo. Old timers and newcomers invited!
Enternet Skateboarding Contents
Videos: Dan Dunham and Larry,and Birdhouse Projects videos.
Photographs by Josh Rabinowitz: Around Santa Cruz, At Derby Park, and in Napa and SF.
Tim Brauch Photographs by Chris Kardas,
and some Skates Spots in Northern California.

Email Us

We are constantly working on enternet.com and Influx magazine, and your feedback is critical to ensure that we deliver the best possible product to you.

Global SkateTalk

is where you can meet people from around the world in an interactive media like no other! With skatetalk, you can post meesages and get results within mere fractions of a minute! The cool part is that you can talk to people you'd never normally meet, but you have to check for people's responses before you'll see them.

Binary Feedback

Binary feedback is also known as our Letters to the Editor section, where we show you some of our correspondences.
We still offer our intriguing page of Other stuff, including outgoing links.
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This file last modified Thursday, 01-Jun-95 16:16:48 PDT.